Manage Banned IP Addresses

Your Name => Admin Tools => Banned IP's

Agency administrators have the ability to manage banned IP addresses.

To manage banned IP addresses, click Your Name => Admin Tools


In the first section of settings cards, select Banned IP's:


This brings you to the Manage Banned IP Address page.


In the screenshot above there is currently one banned IP address.

Remove a Banned IP Address

To remove an IP address from the ban list, click the actual IP address in the list and click the orange Remove Banned IP Address button

Add A Banned IP Address

To add an IP address to the ban list, enter the IP address into the form field and click the green Add Banned IP Address button

Modifying the Banned IP Count Setting

If you need to modify the number of failed logins before an IP address is banned, you can do so from the Agency Configuration Settings page.

Click Your Name => Admin Tools


In the first section of settings cards, select Agency Configs:


On the Agency Tab, look for the Maximum IP Attempts setting.


Modify the setting as needed and click Save Configuration to commit to the changes. 

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