Shift Audits

NEW => Shift Audit

Shift Audits allow agency's to quickly audit the agency's equipment room and maintain a record of historical audits.

IMPORTANT: Shift Audit works in tandem with our Check-In / Check-out Module and was developed at the request of an agency who wanted to conduct intra-day and intra-shift audits of their equipment room. With that in mind, we understand that not every agency will choose to use our shift audit module.

When conducting a shift audit, you are managing the exceptions.

To begin a new audit click New => Shift Audit


The screen will refresh and you will see a list of items associated with the equipment room.


Next, compare the list to the equipment currently in the equipment room.

If you find a discrepancy, you can write a short narrative.

items that are currently checked out are bold. A check-in button is available if necessary.

items that are light grey and italicized, are not in-service and therefore will not be on the shelf in your equipment room.

If any issues arise, you may add a narrative.

When complete, click Complete Audit.

Shift Audits do not have the move asset button nor do they have a save audit button.


There is one report for historical Shift Audits titled: Historical Audits.

The report is located in the Checkout Reports Section  Reports => Checkout => Historical Audits  (Note: You must have Reports Group Permission to see the Reports Button)


Audits are listed in reverse chronological order.  Click the View button to view the audit.


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