Employee Audits

NEW => Employee Audit

Employee Audits allow agency's to audit assets assigned to a specific employee and maintain a record of historical audits.

IMPORTANT: Employee Audits are not the same thing as Employee Inspections.  Audits were designed to track specific items assigned to the officer within the different PSTracker modules.  Employee Inspections were designed to be typical line inspections where you document the employees general appearance and equipment.

To begin a new audit click New => Employee Audit


Select the employee you wish to audit and click Begin Audit.


The screen will refresh and you will see a list of assets (if any) assigned to the employee.


Begin the audit by checking the boxes next to the items you locate. 


Click Move Assets, as often as necessary to move the items located from the left to the right side of the audit screen.

At any point in the process you can click Save Audit, to save your process so you can finish the audit at a later time.  Saved Audits are available on your dashboard.


If any issues arise, you may add a narrative.

When complete, click Complete Audit.


There is one report for historical Employee Audits titled: Historical Audits.

The report is located in the Employee Reports Section  Reports => Employee => Historical Audits  (Note: You must have Reports Group Permission to see the Reports Button)


Audits are listed in reverse chronological order.  Click the View button to view the audit.


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