Managing Training Courses
Manage => Training Courses
Manage => Training Courses provides a list all of your agency's training courses.
Courses are "optional" in PSTracker. Courses are a convenience feature and were designed to be the parent placeholder for a specific course, such as Basic Investigator. Courses are NOT the actual class on a specific date and time, we call those occurrences, Events.
Courses hold the basic information on a course. Name, Description, Mandates, etc... and save you time from re-entering in the basic information when you create a Training Event.
Courses can be use as the bases for creating a Training Event, however Events can also be created from scratch without a parent course.
View a Course
Click Manage => Training Courses, or from the training dashboard sub-menu click Courses.
From the Manage Training Courses page click view on the course you wish to view.
You are taken to the View Training Course page where you see the course details.
If we scroll to the bottom of the details we see a tabbed section containing:
- Any Events based upon this course
- Any attached Files (files may be passed to an event)
- Course Logs (detail logs on the management of this specific course)
View Course Menu
The View Course page has several menu button at the top which do exactly as they state:
- Add Training Event - adds a new training event based upon this specific course
- Edit Course - Edits this specific course. See Editing an Existing Course, below
- Duplicate Course - duplicates this specific course (course details may be edited in the duplication process)
Creating a New Course
From the training sub-menu click Add Course.
The details on the Add course screen may look slightly different for your agency depending on the options your agency uses.
Course Name
The name of the course (required)
The course description
The type of course. If the type is not in the select list, enter a type and click the tab key. The list of types is customizable to your agency and is managed under the training sub menu; Types.
The course sponsor, for example, MENRT. If the sponsor is not in the select list, enter a sponsor and click the tab key. If you are adding a new Sponsor, and have the address details of the sponsor, you can click the Enter New Sponsor Address button to reveal the sponsor address details area allowing you to add the address details of the new sponsor.
The list of sponsors is customizable to your agency and is managed under the training sub menu; Sponsors.
Mandates (optional)
If your agency tracks Training Mandates (most popular in Illinois) the select list will contain a list of mandates that may be connected to this course. Mandates connected to a course will be passed on to any event created based upon this course.
The list of mandates is customizable to your agency and is managed under the training sub menu; Mandates.
Scenario Based Training (optional)
If your agency tracks Scenario Based Training hours (most popular in Illinois) the select list will contain a list of scenario based training that may be connected to this course. Scenario based training connected to a course will be passed on to any event created based upon this course.
The list of scenario based training is customizable to your agency and is managed under the training sub menu; Mandates.
The units select list was designed to help the training manager track courses to specific units in your agency. For example, if this were a course on Photography, we may select the Evidence Technician unit as a unit. This is a multi-select field, it is advisory in nature and does NOT limit who you can assign a course to.
ILEAP/CALEA (optional)
If your agency is accredited, you can use the ILEAP or CALEA fields to track accreditation data. The terms ILEAP and CALEA, can be customized to your accreditation agency. Each option contains slightly different data. ILEAP has 3 fields; Tier, Number and Standard. CALEA has 2 fields; Number and Description. Using an accreditaiotn field allows you to run reports later that provide a list of training under a specific accreditation standard.
The budget this course usually falls under. The list of budgets is customizable to your agency and is managed under the training sub menu; Budgets.
Custom (optional)
We have one custom select field your agency can use. The word Custom can be configured to a term of your agency's choosing. The select list for the custom field is managed under the training sub menu; Custom.
Custom 1,2,3 (Optional)
We have three agency customizable text fields, defaultly named Custom1, Custom2, and Custom3. Each of these fields can be turned on or off and each term can be named to your agency's choosing.
Any notes for this course. Notes are passed onto the Event.
Is this course visible on the Training Request Page
Active / Archive
Select if this course is Active; (available in the list of courses). Active is ON default. Select of this course is archived; (Hidden except where archived is selected). Archived is OFF by default
Files can be added to a course after it has been created. Depending on the files specific settings, files may be passed to an event. See Adding Files to an Existing Course, below.
Editing an Existing Course
From the training courses page click view on the course you wish to edit.
You are taken to the Edit Course screen
Make your updates and click the Edit Course button at the bottom of the screen.
Adding Files to an Existing Course
From the View Training Course page scroll down to the Files tab.
Click Add files to Top Level Course.
A modal opens where you select the file, enter a name, and select if this file is passed on to the event Default is YES.
Upon adding a file, the screen will refresh and you will see the newly added file in the files section
There are three management options on files, Pass to Event, Rename and Delete.
- Pass to Event - does this file get passed on to events created based upon this course.
- Rename - renames the file for this course. (does not rename the file on any created events)
- Delete - permanently deletes this file from the course. (does not remove the file from any created events)