Create a Training Event

Create a Training Event

Training Events are the actual training class you are sending employees to on a specific date and time.  Each Event can be uniquely customized including:

    • Start and End Times
    • Hours
    • Mandates (including specific hours assigned to each)
    • Transportation
    • Cost - Agency and Employee Expenses
    • Reminders
    • Requiring Documentation of Completion
    • Require Acknowledgement Receipt
    • Attachment of files and certificates

Employees are added after you create a training event.  Details on adding employees to an event can be found in our article Managing Training Events.

How to begin the process

There are several starting points, and processes, from which you can begin the Training Event creation process. 

  • Based upon a Course - From the View Course Details screencreate-new-event-from-course.jpg
  • Based upon a Training Request - From the Training Request Details screen
  • Based upon a Course or from scratch - From the Add Training Event sub-menu


Creating the new event

In this example we will create a new Event based upon an Existing Course and begin from the View Course Details screen.


From the View Training Course screen, click Add Training Event.  The screen will refresh and you will be on the Add Training Event form.


Completing the form

    • The Agency # will be pre-populated if your agency uses that automation.

    • When creating a new event using this method, the The Event Name & Description will be populated based upon the course and will be hidden to conserve space. If you wish to view or edit these details click the Edit Name & Description drop down arrow to reveal the hidden content.

    • Enter the events Dates, Times and Total Hours.  if your agency uses the IRS mileage option, the IRS mileage rate will be pre populated but editable if

    • Add the location for this event.  You may select from historical locations or add a new location.  If you are adding a new location, enter the name of the location and press the tab key.  If you wish to also add the location address, click the carrot to reveal the hidden address details section. PSTracker will then automatically create and add the new location into system for you. new-event-from-request-new-location.png

    • Select or enter the event type (optional).  If the type does not exist in PSTracker, you can create a new type by entering a new type and pressing the tab

    • Select or enter the event sponsor (optional). If you are adding a new sponsor, enter the name of the sponsor and press the tab key.  If you wish to also add the sponsors details, click the carrot to reveal the hidden details section. PSTracker will then automatically create and add the new sponsor into system for

    • Enter any Mandates (optional).new-event-from-request-form-8.png

    • Enter any Scenario Based Training (optional).new-event-from-request-form-9.png

    • If your agency tracks CLEAR, ILEAP, or other accreditation data, enter that data (optional).

    • Enter the Budget (optional).  If the budget does not exist in PSTracker, you can create a new budget by entering a new budget and pressing the tab

    • Depending on your agency's configuration, there may be one or more custom course and event fields which you should fill out as necessary (optional).new-event-from-request-form-11.png

    • Enter your Instructors (optional).

    • If you want to track the method of transportation, enter a method of transportation (optional). If the method of transportation does not exist in PSTracker, you can create a new method by entering a new method and pressing the tab

    • The Fiscal year may be pre-populated if your agency uses that

    • Depending on the options your agency uses, the financials section may include the following:
      (if your agency uses the IRS mileage calculations)

      Employee Miles multiplies the number of miles entered by the IRS mileage rate for each employee added to the event.  Note: The Miles field cancels the Mileage field.  So if you wish to enter in a dollar amount, instead of using the automatic calculation, enter the dollar amount in the Mileage field and DO NOT enter anything in the Miles field.
      (if your agency does not use IRS mileage calculations)

      Note: Employee vs. Agency Expenses
      • Employee Expenses - Expenses assigned to each employee.  The total entered will be applied and added to each employee added to the event.
      • Agency Expenses - Expenses incurred by the agency. Agency expenses are a TOTAL, they are NOT per employee. So if, for example, you have multiple employee registration fees, you must manually add those together and put the TOTAL in the Agency Registration  field.  

    • If your agency uses the optional custom request form fields, they will appear in the notes section in the format of Custom Field: Custom Answernew-event-from-request-form-16.png

    • If your agency is a multi department agency, the department field will be

    • Toggle the 3 day reminder (optional).new-event-from-request-form-18.png

    • Toggle the document completion requirement (optional).new-event-from-request-form-19.png

    • Toggle to hide the event (optional).new-event-from-request-form-20.png

    • Click Create New Eventnew-event-from-request-form-21.png

Your new Training Event will be created and available for use.


You may also want to review our help desk article on managing training events.

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