Access and login to PSTracker

If your agency use 2 Factor Authentication, see that section below.

Accessing PSTracker

PSTracker software is cloud based meaning it is accessible from a web browser from any Internet connected device. An Internet connection is required to use our software.

Your access URL, account username and a temporary password will be provided to you in an email from PSTracker.

Your URL will be in the form of: (Note: all urls use secure https:)

The set of letters after https:// (in the example above nbk is for Northbrook) will generally correspond to the name of your agency.

Signing In

To sign into the system enter your username and your password.

Keep me logged in

The Keep me logged in Checkbox is optional and may not be enabled by your agency

For your convenience, we have a Keep me logged in: checkbox, that when checked, will keep you logged into the system for up to 8 hours. Even if you close your browser, the next time you open it you will be automatically logged into the system. This is useful for Supervisors or Administrators who need to manage the software throughout the day. We strongly recommend you do not use this check box if you are on a shared computer. If you do not check this box, you will be automatically logged out after a set number of minutes which is determined by your agency. (The default time is 3 hours)

The maximum amount of time a user can remain logged in to PSTracker without activity is 8 hours.

Login Attempts

For security, all attempts to login to the system are recorded with date, time and ip address. Agencies can choose how many login attempts per user / ip address are allowed before the user / ip are locked out.

Forgot Password

If you have forgotten your password, enter your user name and your email address and a temporary password will be emailed to your email account. If you have forgotten your username, contact your system administrator for assistance.


When you are done using the software we recommend you logout.


How to use 2 Factor Authentication

When a user attempts to login and successfully authenticates using their credentials, they are redirected to a 2 Factor Code entry page.

PSTracker emails the user (at their system email address) a 6 digit code.

The user enters the code into the field and clicks Submit Code.

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