My Automated Agency Emails

My Automated Agency Emails

PSTracker can send out automated emails based upon several triggers:

    • Issues reported during Inspections
    • Failure to complete an inspection after X days
    • Rejected inspections
    • When a new Event is created
    • Upon creation or completion of a work order
    • A Date (such as an approaching maintenance or warranty date)
    • A Schedule (such as a recurring maintenance item)
    • Supervisor Log creation or comment
    • When new training is assigned
    • 3 day training reminders
    • Expiring training mandates or certificates
    • Expiring Range Qualifications
    • Expiring FOID or drivers licenses
    • Emergency contact updates
    • Employee Log Notification Emails

Modify My Email

When you first arrive at this screen you will see check marks next to any emails you have already been selected to receive.

If you need a detailed explanation, click the how this page works button


To modify your emails received, simply check (or uncheck) the emails you wish to receive (or nor receive) and click the Update My Agency Emails button


If you belong to more than one department (police fire, public works) you can use the select box at the upper right of the form to choose which department you are managing automated emails for.

System administrators can assign any user to receive any of these types of emails.

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