Employee Log - Search

View => Search Employee Log

Which entries can you see

The entries that appear in search results are dependent on two variables.  

  • Hierarchy:
    • By default, you may only see entries for personnel who are beneath you in hierarchy. 
    • If your agency allows, you may also see entries for employees equal to your level of hierarchy. 
  • Employees in the entry:
    • If you are the sole employee the entry pertains to, you may see the entry.
    • If the entry pertains to multiple employees...
      • AND
        • You are an employee within the entry, you may see the entry.
      • OR
        • At least one of the employees are beneath you in hierarchy, you may see the entry.

To search, locate, and view employee log entries, navigate to View => Search Employee Log.


This brings you to the Employee Log Search page.


The latest 25 Employee log entries will be visible on this page. 

To search for other entries, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the search form.


You can search by:

  • Reportee (generally supervisors)
  • Employee
  • Type
  • Category
  • Case Number
  • Date Occurred

Confidential Entries

Users within the confidential group can see confidential entries in the search results.  Confidential entries are marked with a confidential flag.


View an Entry

To view an entry click the view button for that entry.


This brings you to the Employee Log Entry page with the details of the entry.


Viewing MY (Your Own) Employee Log Entries

To view your own Employee Log Entries, please see our support article on My Employee Log Entries.

Signature / Acknowledgement Required Entries

If your agency uses the signature / acknowledgement feature, entries that are in need of signature / acknowledgement will be highlighted in orange until they are signed / acknowledged.

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