My (Your Own) Employee Log - Add Comment

Adding Comments

This article ONLY applies if your agency permits employees to add comments to entries.

The ability to add comments is set by your agency administrators.  It is set at the category level, and each specific category can be set to allow or prohibit comments. 

The ability to add a comment may also be restricted to a specific time frame (number of days) after the entry has been made.

Add a Comment

To add a comment to an employee log entry, locate and view the entry.


Once on the view page, if the entry allows comments, you will see a Add Employee Comment button.


Click the Add Employee Comment button.


Enter your comment into the text editor and click Add Comment to Employee Log Entry.

The system will let you know that you successfully added the comment, and you will see the newly added comment at the bottom of the entry.


Notifications of Comments Added

When a comment is added, PSTracker sends notification to the employee who created the entry, that a comment has been made.


Additionally, if the entry pertains to multiple employees, the additional pertaining employees will also receive notification that a comment was made.


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