Managing Employee Log Types and Categories

Managing Types and Categories

Types and Categories have a Parent Child relationship. 

    • Types are the parents; a Type can have many child Categories.
    • Categories are the children, a Category can only have one parent type.

When creating new employee log entries, employees select a Type, which then automatically populates the Category select list based upon the Categories associated with the Type.

When managing Categories, we select which Groups can use that category.  So an employees ability to select a specific Category, depends on the group they belong to.

Each Type and Category should ONLY exist in the system a single time.  You should NOT duplicate Types or Categories.

Custom Text & Select Fields

Categories can have Agency customizable text fields and select lists to prompt responses from employees creating employee log entries.

Type and Category Sub Nav


Managing Types

To manage your Types click Types on the Employee log Sub-menu. 


The columns on the Types List include:

  • Type Name (the name of the type)
  • Categories Using (a list of selectable categories for this type)
  • Department (normally police)
  • Active (available for use)
  • Edit (click to edit the type)

Adding a New Type

To add a new Type:

    • Click Types on the Sub Menu.
    • A modal opens up allowing you to add the new Type.types-add-modal.png
    • Click Create New Type to complete the process.

Editing an existing Type

To exit an existing Type:

    • Click the Edit button to the far right of that types row.
    • The screen refreshes showing you the edit Type Screen.
    • Make your edits and click Save Type.

Managing Categories

To manage your Categories click Categories on the Employee log Sub-menu. 


The columns on the Categories List include:

  • Category Name (name of the category)
  • Category Description (the category description)
  • Parent Type (the categories parent type)
  • Allowed Groups (a list of groups that can use this category in new entries)
  • Intervention Points (number of points to trigger an intervention flag & notification)
  • Recognition Points (number of points to trigger a recognition flag & notification)
  • Allow Rebuttals (can employees comment on entries with this category)
  • # of Days to Rebut (number of days an employee has to make a comment)
  • Allow Confidential (can an entry using this category be marked confidential)
  • Is Purgeable (is this category purgeable)
  • # of Days to Purge (number of days until the entry is purged)
  • Allow Custom Text Fields (can this category use custom text fields)
  • # of Custom Text Fields (the max number of text fields you can add to this category)
  • Allow Custom Select Fields (can this category use custom select fields)
  • # of Custom Select Fields (the max number of select fields you can add to this category)
  • Email Employee On By Default (send email toggle ON by default for entries w/ this category)
  • Use Workflow On By Default
  • Editable by Default (is editable entry toggled ON by default for entries with this category)
  • Use as Response Category Only (is this ONLY used in response to intervention or recognition)
  • Require Employee Acknowledgement & Signature (OFF by default - can ONLY be used on SINGLE employee entries)
  • Department (normally police)
  • Active (available for use)
  • Edit (click to edit the type)

Adding a New Category

To add a new Category:

  • Click Categories on the Sub Menu.
  • A modal opens up allowing you to add the new Type.

  • Click Create New Category to complete the process.

Editing an existing Category

To exit an existing Category:

    • Click the Edit button to the far right of that types row.
    • The screen refreshes showing you the edit Type Screen.
    • Make your edits and click Save Type.

Custom text and Select Lists

This section explains how to add text and select lists to a category so that they appear when an entry with that category is created.

To learn how to create and manage the actual text and select list, see our article on Managing Text and Select Lists.

Adding Agency Custom Text Fields to a Category

Scroll to the bottom of the edit page to the Optional Text Fields section.


    • Click Add Text Field
    • A modal opens allowing you to select one of your agency's text fields.category-texts-add-ist.png
    • Click Add Text Field To Category
    • You will now see your new text field in the list of Text Fields.
    • Every time an entry is created with this category, these text fields will be available to be answered.

Adding Agency Custom Select Lists to a Category

Scroll to the bottom of the edit page to the Optional Select Lists section.


    • Click Add Select List.
    • A modal opens allowing you to select one of your agency's select lists.
    • Click Add Select List To Category.
    • You will now see your new select in the list of Select Lists.
    • Every time an entry is created with this category, these select list will be available to be answered.

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