Managing Employee Log Confidential Group

Manage => Employee Log

The confidential Group is a SPECIAL group allowing access to employee log entries that have been marked confidential.  Access to this group should be restricted.


The Employee Log Manager can manage confidential group users, however they do NOT have access to view confidential entries UNLESS they are added to the Confidential Group.

Entries that have been marked confidential, will have a confidential badge next to their Type, on search and listing pages.


They will also a confidential warning within the entry.


View your agencies Confidential Group.

Navigate to Manage => Employee Log.   Next, click Confidential Group in the Sub-Menu.


You will be shown a list of your agencies current confidential group users.


Add an employee to the Confidential Group.

To add an employee:

    • Click the blue Add Employee to Confidential Group button.
    • A modal opens for you to select the employee(s).confidential-users-add.png
    • Select the employee from the lost and click Add Employee to Confidential Group.

Remove an employee from the Confidential Group

To remove an employee from the confidential group:

    • Click the red Remove Confidential Employee button to the far right of the name of the employee you wish to remove. confidential-users-remove.png
      The process is instant and the employee will no longer have access to confidential entries.

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