Check In / Out Module Overview


The Check-In / Check-Out Module was developed to provide accountability of the agency's shared assets.  Assets are checked out and in to employees at the beginning and end of their shifts using data-matrix barcodes and a scanner, or alternatively, manually using select lists.

How its used

The typical agency using this module will have an equipment room stocked with shared equipment such as radios, tasers, aed's and firearms and will assign an employee (such as a CSO) to manage the check out and check in process.

Check Out

  • An employee is assigned to check out equipment to officers at the beginning of their shift.
  • Each officer arrives at the equipment room to check out equipment for their shift.
  • The employee scans the officers barcode and then scans the barcodes on the equipment they are checking out for the officer. 
  • PSTracker provides visual and auditory clues to assist in the check-out check-in process.
  • The employee repeats the process for each officers.

Check In

  • Officers return their assigned equipment to the equipment room.
  • The assigned employee scan's in each item.
  • Alternatively, the employee can scan the item out to the next employee, which also creates record the the item was turned in by the prior officer.

Historical Records

PSTracker offers several reports offering:

  • A detailed history of employees and the equipment checked out and in.
  • A quick view the current status of the agency's equipment.


PSTracker offers an electronic audit system for agency's that want to conduct intra-day or intra-shift audits of their equipment room. The process quickly assures the agency that all equipment is accounted for at any point in the day.

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