Check In

Navigate to New => Check In : Scan


You arrive on the Scan In Asset page.


You do not need to scan an employee first, you can immediately begin checking-in in assets.

  • Scan the barcode on your first asset.
  • PSTracker will provide audio and visual feedback as to the results.
  • If the asset is successfully checked in, you will see a green success message and hear a success alert tone.

  • You will also notice that the asset has been removed from the employees list of currently checked-out assets.  Note: for reference, the list will also include the actual bar code numbers in brackets.
  • If the asset was not checked in successfully or if there was an error, you will receive a red warning message and hear a warning alert tone.

  • Continue scanning in assets as necessary.

You do not need to change employees during the Check In process, PSTracker knows who had each asset Checked Out, so all you need to do is continue to check in assets.

Currently Checked out Assets

For convenience, at any point in the process, you can scan ANY employee's barcode to see the assets currently checked out to that employee.


Complete & Log Off

If you wish to jump to the Check-out or Complete we have barcodes you can scan at the bottom of the screen.


Clicking Complete brings you to the Scanning Dashboard.


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