Manual Check In / Out

New => Check In : Manual - OR - New => Check Out : Manual


We recommend using our scanning Check-out / Check-in processes.  For those agencies who cannot, or for those times a scanner is not available, we have a manual process available that utilizes select lists and checkboxes.


Employees will not appear in the Manual selection list unless they have been added to the Manage Check-out Employees List. See System Permissions - Employee Check-out List below

Manual Check-out

To manually Check-out an employee:

    • Navigate to New = > Check Out : Manual.
    • Select the employee from the list of available employees.


    • Select the assets you wish to check out to the employee.


    • Click Complete Check-out.

Manual Check-in

To manually Check-in an employee:

    • Navigate to New = > Check In : Manual
    • Select the user to Check-in.


    • You will be presented with a list of assets they currently have checked out.


    • Each asset will be checked by default.
    • Uncheck any asset you are NOT checking in.
    • Click Complete Check-in.

System Permissions - Employee Checkout  List

To keep the employee select list manageable, PSTracker does not show an employee's name in the checkout list unless they have been added to a special table. 

You must have [Checkout Manager] permission to manage the list.  To add employees to the check in/out select lists, navigate to Your Name => Admin Tools => Checkout => Chk-out Emp's.


You are taken to the Manage Check-out Employees page.  Here we see a list of every employee that appears in the select lists.


At the upper right of the screen, click Add Employee to Checkout.  In the modal that appears, select the employee and click Add Employee to Checkout.


Repeat this process for every employee who needs to be in the select lists.  

If you have multiple employees to be added, please reach out to PSTracker support and we can assist.

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