Creating Work Orders

New => Work Order

The PSTracker Work Order System was designed to quickly and easily document issues.

Work Orders

Work Orders should be created when you need to report an issues with an item tracked within PSTracker.  To create a work order, click New => Work Order


Two Types of Work Orders

There are two types of work orders you can create.

    • A vehicle associated work order. (A Specific Vehicle)
    • An asset associated work order. (Equipment, Taser, AED, Firearm, Jail, Building...)

It's important to note a distinction between automated vehicle inspection generated work orders and work orders employees manually create using the new work order form. The vehicle inspection process will automatically create work orders for any items you uncheck and provide a note on. Because of this, if you just completed a vehicle inspection leaving one or more items unchecked, it is NOT necessary to also create work orders for those same issues.

Vehicle Associated Work Orders

The first tab available on the new work order page is Vehicles. This type of work order is designed to report a general issue on a specific vehicle. You will notice that the available types are consistent with the sections you see every day in your vehicle inspections. A work order created under the vehicle tab will be forwarded to the person responsible for the section you select. For example, if your check engine light comes on, select Engine/Drivetrain and your work order will be forwarded to the appropriate responsible person.

Other Work Orders

The remaining tabs are specific Modules. This type or work order is designed to report an issue on a specific item such as a piece of Equipment, Firearm, Taser, AED, Building or Jail. Clicking on the appropriate tab will reveal a work order form with a drop-down list of assets you can select. Select the specific item and complete the work order.

Creating Work Orders

In this example we will create a work order for an issue with our firearm.

From the main navigation menu choose New => Work Order

    • Select the appropriate tab (vehicle or other module)


    • Fill in the requested information.
    • For convenience the date and time are pre-populated with the current date & time.
    • Enter a description of the issue in the narrative.
    • Click Review Work Order & Add Photos.


    • From this screen we can add up to 4 photos to the work order.
    • To add a photo click one of the photo placeholders.


    • Click Add Photo to open the file browser


    • Click Add Photo to complete the process.


    • The photo has been added
    • If necessary, you may repeat this process for the 3 remaining photos.
    • If you are creating a work order for a vehicle, you can update that vehicles status (not required


    • If you need to edit the work order prior to creation, click Edit Work Order.


    • Click Create Work Order to finish creating this work order.


    • Depending on your agency's settings emails go out to the proper personnel. 


Saving & Editing Work Orders

During the Work Order creation process, you can save your progress and return to finish it later.

    • From the Work Order screen, click Save & Exit.


    • This places a link to the work order on your dashboard


    • Click the link to continue editing / creating the work order.


Deleting a non submitted Work Order

You can delete a work order you started but have not yet submitted.

    • From the top right of the pending work order, click Delete Work Order.


    • In the modal window select Yes - Delete this Work Order


    • Click Delete Work Order.

Submitted work orders can NOT be deleted.

To search for an existing Work Order, see our article on Searching & Viewing Existing Work Orders.

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