Managing Work Orders

You must have the proper role and/or permissions to manage work orders.

To manage an existing Work Order, select Manage => Work Orders.


You are taken to a list of open work orders.


Work Order Admin Buttons


Use the buttons at the top right of the page to manage the work order module.  Also see managing Status and Priority at the end of this article.

Work Order Listing Modify Filters


You can use the menu at the top right of the list to Modify (filter) the list of Work Orders by Module, Model, Department, Entered By, Assigned To, and Open Status.  Click Reset to remove the filters.



Enter any text into the Search field to instantly reduce the result set to the term(s) entered

Table Menu - Export, Print, Visibility


You can use the table menu to export, print, or instantly modify the visible columns.

View or Manage a Work Order


To View or Manage a work order click on the work order number.

This takes you to the Work Order Details page.


The work order details page has four components:

    • Order management buttons
    • Order details
    • Files tab
    • Logs tab

Work Order Management Buttons





Takes you to a new page where you can add a note for this work order. Notes are the proper way to track the progress of a work order. Notes become a permanent part of the work order, however a user can edit their own note.




Opens a window allowing you to select a new status for this work order.




Opens a window allowing you to select a new priority for this work order. By default every work order will be assigned the priority of Normal. You can update the priority to one of the system defaults; low high or normal, or a priority your agency created.



Opens a window where you can assign, or reassign this work order. You do NOT need to assign work orders, but it is a good practice to do so for reporting purposes. If a work order is assigned, PSTracker send an email notification to the person(s) assigned. This email will include the work order, the narrative ,and any note attached. Please contact 911 Tech if you want to disable this notification.

Hours & Cost

If you wish to track time & cost associated with Work Orders, you can do so using the Hours and Cost buttons. If you choose to do this, you will be able to calculate the total cost and hours associated with your work orders using the Work Order Report.Hours



Opens a window where you can add or update the total hours associated with this work order. Enter the hours and minutes into each field separately.




Opens a window where you can add or update the total cost associated with this work order. You can enter the cost in dollars and cents.


Back brings you back to the manage work order page with the list of active work orders.


Merge brings you to a new page to merge the work order.

Close Work Order

Close brings you to a new page to close the work order.

Merging Work Orders


Merge brings you to a new page. Use the lower select list to select the work order you want to merge the work order into. This work order will be merged into the selected work order.

Close your work orders!

At PSTracker we believe closing a work order is a critical part of the Work Order process. It provides "buy in" and eliminates the question of, "did that issue ever get addressed".  Taking the time to close a work sends email feedback, directly to the employee that created the work order, that someone took the time to look into and address the issue they reported

Closing A Work Order

The Close work order screen allows you to update the hours,m the cost, and document the resolution to the issue.  If you leave checked, "send work order closed email to employee," the employee who created the work order will be notified the work order was closed and provided the resolution.

Click Close Work Order to complete the process.

Managing Work Order Module Variables


There are two variables you can manage in the work order module; Status and Priority.

Work Order Status

Work Order Status' let you better organize your work orders and you may add and edit additional status' that fit your agency's needs. 

Special Status' such as Closed, also trigger a series of events and processes such as automated emails.

The first three (3) status' of Open, Closed & Merged are system variables and cannot be modified. Work Order Status' span across departments so use caution not to manage a status that does not belong to your department.

Work Order Priority

You will normally not modify these settings after initial setup.  Additionally, there are three priorities that can not be edited; high, low, normal.

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