Managing AED's

Manage => AED's


The Manage AED page displays a list of your agencies AED’s. 

Manage AED Sub-menu

At the top right of the management page is a sub-menu to manage the variables for the AED module.

  • Makes: Makes of AED's
  • Models: Models of AED's
  • Status Types: The different status types your AED's use. There are two pre installed status types; Battery Bars and OK. Do not modify status types without assistance from 911 Tech.
  • Maint (Maintenance) Types: The types of maintenance performed on your AED's.
  • Funding: Manage the Funding Types. (agency wide setting)
  • Vendors: Agency's Vendors (Agency wide setting).

Pad Expiration Dates


For quick visual reference, we color-coded the pad expiration date fields as pads near expiration.  

  • Expired or within 30 days of expiration - show in red
  • 30-60 days from expiration - show in orange
  • Good for at least the next 60 days - shown in green.

View / Edit AED

To manage an AED, click on the Make of AED. 

This brings you to the Equipment Details.


The AED Details page displays the specific details of the selected aed item, and optionally up to four photos of the equipment. There are several tabs at the bottom allowing you to view and/or manage details such as:

Maintenance Maintenance history for this aed. See Below
Work Orders Work orders associated with this aed  Click the number to view details.
Equipment Audits Equipment Audits containing this aed
Vehicle Audits Vehicle Audits containing this aed
Checkouts Check In/Out history for this aed.
Files See Below
Logs This vehicles administrative logs.



To add a maintenance entry for this AED, click the Add Maintenance button at the top right of the maintenance list. A window opens allowing you to create a maintenance entry for the specific AED.

If you are an AED Manager, you will also see Edit links at the far right of each maintenance entry. Clicking the Edit link allows you to edit a specific maintenance entry.


Adding files to an equipment is a great way to scan in and attach paper documents such as receipts, purchase orders, or even photos to store and associate with this equipment.

If your agency allows file uploads and your user account has the File Upload group permission, you will see an Add File button at the top right of the list of files.  Click Add File which opens window allowing you to upload a file to this equipment.

If you have the File Upload group permission, you will also see the Rename and Delete File links at the far right of each file entry. Clicking the Rename link allows you to rename that specific file. Clicking the Delete link permanently removes that specific file.

Edit AED


Click the Edit button to edit the details of this specific AED.  When you complete your edit, click the Save button to commit to the changes. If you want to return to the specific AED Summary Page click the Back button. If you want to return to the entire list of AED's, click the Return to AED’s button.


To add an AED, click the Add AED button in the sub-menu at the top right of the manage AED page.

A new window opens where you enter the AED's details.


When you have filled in the details, click Create New AED.

Add AED Field Explanations

The majority of the fields within the Add AED page are self-explanatory, but we will discuss a few that may not be so obvious.

Adult & Child Pad Expiration. Your agency administrator can select personnel that will receive emails notifying of approaching pad expiration dates. The system default reminder days are: 45, 30, 15 the day of and 30 days overdue. Contact 911 Tech to modify these dates.

Status Type is where you select if this AED battery indicator is a series of 4 battery bars or a simple status indicator such as the word YES, a check mark, or the color Green.

  • There are two status types pre-loaded into PSTracker.  Battery Bars & OK.  Do not modify status types without assistance from 911 Tech or you may break your AED module.
    • Battery Bars status type displays a radio list for your end user to select the number of battery bars remaining.
    • The OK status type displays a checkbox to allow your end user to check off that the battery is good.

Location is where the AED is physically located. If the location is in a building, use the location field to explain where the AED is located, for example PD Classroom.  If the AED is located within a vehicle, leave the location field empty and use the selection list to choose the vehicle.

Number is your own in-house numbering system for this AED.

Other 2 & 3 are custom AED variables unique to your agency. The Individual Labels Other 2 & 3 can be customized to any term you wish by contacting your agency administrator or 911 Tech.

Battery Date is available for an agency to track a battery date for the AED. While we added this field to track the date an AED’s battery was changed, you could use it, for example, to track the expiration date on the battery. You decide how to use this field. Your agency administrator can select personnel that will receive emails notifying of approaching expiration date. The system default reminder days are: 45, 30, 15 the day of and 30 days overdue. Contact 911 Tech to modify these dates.

Next Maintenance Date is available for an agency to track when you want to perform the next maintenance. Your agency administrator can select personnel that will receive emails notifying of approaching maintenance date. The system default reminder days are: 45, 30, 15 the day of and 30 days overdue. Contact 911 Tech to modify these dates.

Warranty Date is available for an agency to track a warranty date for the AED. Your agency administrator can select personnel that will receive emails notifying of approaching waranty date. The system default reminder days are: 60, 30, 15 the day of and 30 days overdue. This field is automated meaning that it will sent emails to the selected personnel notifying them that the warranty date is upcoming at 60, 30, the day of and 30 days overdue. Contact 911 Tech to modify these dates.

Check-out if checked means that this AED will appear in the selection list of AED's available to Check-out. This only applies to agency's using the Check-out Module.

Active is where you select the status of this AED. Active means the AED is currently in use and will be displayed to your users as an AED available for inspection.

Archive means the AED is no longer in use. You archive an AED rather then delete an AED so that you will always have a historical record of this AED and its inspections.

Adding / Editing Photos

Each AED  can have up to 4 photos.


To add or edit a photo:

Click on the photo or photo placeholder.

A modal opens allowing you to add or replace the photo.

Select the photo and click Add / Replace photo to complete the process.Adding / Updating Barcode (Check-in/out Module Only)

Adding / Updating Barcode (Check-in/out Module Only)

If your agency uses the check-in/out module, you can manage an AED's barcode from the Edit AED details page.


If the AED has already been assigned a barcode, you will see the existing barcode and an Edit Barcode button.

equip-edit-barcode (1).png

If the AED does not have a barcode, there will be an Add Barcode button. 

equip-add-barcode (1).png

Add New Barcode

To add a new barcode, click the add barcode button.

A window will popup allowing you to add a new barcode to this item.


Click Add Barcode to complete the process.

If you have not done so already, do not forget to also set the item as available for use in checkout.


Edit Existing Barcode

To edit an existing barcode, click the edit barcode button.

A window will popup allowing you to edit the existing barcode.


There are two options you can select both of which are explained on the modal.

Click Edit Barcode to complete the process.

Viewing Archived AEDs

To view your archived aeds, click Archived on the sub-menu

To return to the active list, click the sub-menu button Hide Archived.

Exporting AED List

To export your list of aeds, right click anywhere in the grid, in the popup menu select Export and then CVS or Excel.

Managing AED Grid, Creating and Saving Views

The New AED Grid system allows you to create and save views that meet a specific set of needs. You can move (drag), hide (right click on header), sort (click header), filter (click filter icon), and pin (right click on header), columns. Simply manipulate the columns to meet your needs and then use the Create View button at the upper right to save that view for later use.

To change views, select a new view from the list.


If you have the Reports-Aed permission you will be able to vier the Aed reports.

Navigate to Reports => Aeds to view the available reports.

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