Vehicle Maintenance

NEW => Maintenance Entry  - OR - Manage => Vehicles

The vehicle maintenance feature tracks maintenance performed on your agency's vehicles.  Maintenance is generally entered by vehicle managers, however, some agencies allow employees to document general maintenance entries if, for example, employees take vehicles to commercial facilities like tire shops and oil changes. 

Maintenance Entry's by Employees (If Allowed)

If your agency allows, maintenance may be entered by employees.   To document a new maintenance entry as an employee, navigate to NEW = Maintenance Entry.

Complete the form as necessary and click Enter Completed Vehicle Maintenance.

Maintenance Entry by Vehicle Manager(s)

Vehicle managers document maintenance on the Vehicle Details page.

To document maintenance:

    • Navigate to choose Manage => Vehicles.
    • Select and view the proper vehicle.
    • Scroll down the page and click on the Maintenance Tab.
    • Click the Add Maintenance button at the far right of the tab.
    • A modal open with the Add Maintenance form.


    • Complete the form as necessary
    • Click Add Maintenance.


There are several maintenance reports available.

If you have the proper permissions, navigate to Reports => Vehicles and select one of the vehicle maintenance reports.


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