Recurring Maintenance

Manage => Vehicles

Optional Feature:

If your agency has activated the Recurring Maintenance Module, you will see the Recurring Maintenance Section while viewing each vehicle.

Recurring Maintenance allows you track recurring vehicle maintenance and provide notice (Reminders) when maintenance becomes due.

    • Each Vehicle has a Recurring Maintenance Schedule.
    • Mileage and Hour triggers require manual input of Miles or Hours to trigger a Maintenance Reminder via a Vehicle Inspection or via the Update Mileage or Hours screens.
    • Date Triggers are automated. PStracker searches all maintenance schedules for date triggers after 0200 hrs every morning.


Let's walk through a typical Recurring Maintenance reason:

  • An agency wants to change squad car oil every 3000 miles, 1000 hours, or 180 days, whichever comes first.

To accomplish this, the agency would Add a Recurring Maintenance Schedule for the specific vehicle with those variables.

    • Every time an employee updates the mileage or hours for a specific vehicle, PSTracker checks the recurring maintenance schedule to see if a trigger has been reached.
    • Every morning after 0200hrs, PSTracker checks the recurring maintenance schedule to see if a date trigger has been reached.
    • Based upon the settings chosen for the reminder, once a trigger is reached, a notice Reminder may be placed on the dashboard, emails may be sent out, and work orders may be created.

Recurring Maintenance Schedule

Recurring maintenance is managed from the Vehicle Details page on the Schedule tab.

Scroll down and select the Schedule tab.


As seen above, this vehicle has two existing Maintenance schedules.  One for Oil Change and the other for Tire Rotation.

From the schedule tab you can

    • Add a New Recurring Maintenance Schedule
    • Edit an existing schedule
    • Delete an existing schedule

Note: If the maintenance schedule was last triggered by our 0200 check, the Last modified By field will show PSTracker Automation.

Add A Recurring Maintenance Schedule

Click the Add Recurring Maintenance Schedule button.


To modal opens with the Add Recurring Maintenance Schedule form.


The form contains the following variables:

    • Recurring Maintenance Type - Select List
    • Send Email - Yes or No Toggle (sends emails to those who sign up to receive)
    • Create Work Order - Yes or No Toggle - (Note: You can create a work order later while viewing the reminder)
    • Next Recurring Maintenance Date - Date Picker - The next date at which this maintenance trigger should fire.
    • Future Date Interval - Enter in the number of days before the maintenance should trigger again (e.g. 180 for 6 months from the date of the trigger)
    • Current Mileage - Non-editable placeholder of the vehicles current mileage
    • Next Recurring Maintenance Mileage - The next mileage maintenance should trigger
    • Future Mileage Interval - The number of miles before this maintenance should trigger again - (e.g. 3000 - we will add the current mileage + the interval to get the new trigger - example, if the future interval is 3000 and the mileage at the time of the trigger is 10000, the next trigger will be at 13000 miles)
    • Current Hours - Non-editable placeholder of the vehicles current hours
    • Next Recurring Maintenance Hours - The next hour this maintenance should trigger
    • Future Hours Interval - The number of hours before this maintenance should trigger again - (e.g. 100 - We add the current hours + the interval to get the new trigger - example, if the future interval is 100 and the hours at the time of the trigger is 200, the next trigger will be at 300 hours)

Each of the interval variables is optional and you can set more than one method.

If you have more than one interval method set, the software will automatically reset ALL interval variables when the first maintenance interval is reached. For example, if you have both mileage and date set, whichever is reached first, will trigger the maintenance, and the software will reset both the date and mileage interval variables to the same interval previously set (or of this is the first trigger, the Interval Variable)

Modifying an Existing Schedule

To modify a Maintenance Schedule, click the schedules edit button.


Make your modifications


Click Save to lock in the modifications.

    • To remove a variable, leave it blank or set it to ZERO
    • To terminate a method, set both values to Zero or empty both variables.

Each of the interval variables is optional, and you can set more than one method. If you have more than one interval method set, the software will automatically reset ALL interval variables when the first maintenance interval is reached. For example, if you have both mileage and date set, whichever is reached first, will trigger the maintenance, and the software will reset both the date and mileage interval variables to the same interval previously set (or of this is the first trigger, the Interval Variable)

Delete an Existing Schedule

To completely DELETE a Maintenance Schedule, click the schedules delete [DEL] button.



There are several recurring maintenance reports available.

If you have the proper permissions, navigate to Reports => Vehicles and select one of the recurring vehicle maintenance reports.


    • Recurring Maintenance - All Vehicles (The current schedule for every vehicle)
    • Recurring Maintenance Reminders (Reminders created based upon activated triggers)

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