Recurring Maintenance Reminders

Recurring Maintenance Reminders

Reminders are triggered recurring maintenance events. They are a reminder that maintenance needs to be performed.  Your agency then acts upon the reminder.  Most agencies use work orders to act upon the maintenance needed. 

View Recurring Maintenance Reminders

You can view triggered recurring maintenance reminders from several places.

From the Dashboard

You can view current Maintenance Reminders on the Dashboard (if you set this variable for yourself).


Maintenance Reminders will appear in the active area of the dashboard until they are marked complete.

From the Vehicle Details

You can also view the Reminders from a Vehicle Details section.


You can click on the date button to view or modify the details of the Reminder. 

From the Recurring Maintenance Reminders Report

Reports => Vehicle => Recurring Maintenance Reminders


Manage Recurring Maintenance Reminders

To manage a Reminder you need to view it.  Generally you will click on the date to view it. 

This brings you to the View/Manage Recurring Maintenance Reminder page.


A maintenance reminder is considered OPEN until you CLOSE it.

Mark Closed

When you have confirmed a work order is in process, or you no longer need the reminder, click the Mark Closed button. Closed Reminders can always be viewed later from the Reminders Report.

Update Triggers

You can modify the variables of the Reminder by modifying any of the input fields and clicking the Update Triggers button.

Manage Vehicle

You can jump to the vehicle details screen by clicking the Manage Vehicle button. (Note: There is no return to this Reminder from this link)

Manage Work Order

To manage the Work Order (if one was created) - Click the Manage Work Order button at the top right of the screen. (Note: There is no return to this Reminder from this link)

Create a Work Order

If a work order was not created by the trigger - The Manage button turns into a Create button. Click the Red Create Work Order button at the top right of the screen to create a work order for this Reminder. (There is no return to this Reminder from this link)


There are several recurring maintenance reports available.

If you have the proper permissions, navigate to Reports => Vehicles and select one of the recurring vehicle maintenance reports.


    • Recurring Maintenance - All Vehicles (The current schedule for every vehicle)
    • Recurring Maintenance Reminders (Reminders created based upon activated triggers)

Recurring Maintenance User Settings

View Reminders on Dashboard

To view active Maintenance Reminders on your user dashboard, you need to activate the feature.


To activate the feature click Your Name => My Account and then select the My Options tab.  Next, click the Show recurring maintenance items on dashboard button to change it from No to Yes.

Receive Email Notification of Maintenance Reminders

You can choose which types of categories you receive Maintenance Reminders on your My Agency Emails page. 

Navigate to Your Name => My Agency Emails.

At the bottom, you will see a Recurring Maintenance Section.


Check the types of Reminders you wish to receive email notifications about.

Emails will look similar to this email:


Important: Email Notification will ONLY be sent for scheduled maintenance where Send Email Reminders has been set to YES.

Emails Set By Agency Administrator(s)

PSTracker Administrators can also assign users to receive emails using the Automated Emails Screen.


Clickin the Automated Emails link brings you to the Administrative manage Automated Emails Page.


At the top right click the Add Automated Email button.


Complete the following fields:

    • Employee:
    • Module: Vehicles
    • Maintenance Type:
    • Email Type: Recurring Maintenance (Vehicles)
    • Department: Police

Recurring Maintenance Permissions

The Permission to manage/view this module is Recurring-Maintenance which can be set in the User Role Area of PSTracker.  To manage the Recurring Maintenance from the Vehicle Details Screen, you will also need the Vehicle-Manager permission.

Manage Recurring Maintenance Reminder Types

Recurring Maintenance Categories are customizable to your agency and are managed from the Vehicle Sub-menu.


Click Recur Maint Types.

You manage the Recurring Maintenance Type select list just any other select list in PSTracker.



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