Vehicle Status

PSTrackers vehicle status module is made up of several pages that work together to keep your agency aware of the status of every vehicle in your fleet.

When you take a vehicle in or out of service, or change its availability, you should update its status.

Update A Vehicle's Status

To update a vehicles status navigate to New => Update Vehicle Status


You are taken to the Update Vehicle Status Screen


To update the status:

    • Select a vehicle
    • Select a status
    • Select a sub-status (optional).
    • The date and time but can be modified if necessary.
    • Future Status - If your agency use the Future Status option, this field will be available.
      • You must have the proper permission [Future Status] to schedule a future status update.
      • Example: to place a vehicle out of service at a time you will not be in the office.
    • Enter a narrative (optional).
    • Click Update Status to complete the status update.

If you use the Future Status option, your scheduled time will be rounded up to 00 or 30 minutes past the hour, and must be at least 30 minutes into the future.


We have several vehicle status reports available. If you have the proper permissions to see the Reports menu link, at the upper right of the browser click Reports and select the Vehicle Status tab to see the list of the available reports.


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