Vehicle Status Board

Reports => Vehicle Status

PSTracker's Status Boards are a great way to visually display the status of your agency's vehicles in real time.  The status boards updates themself every 30 seconds.  Many agencies maintain this visual display in a common area of the agency.  

Status Boards

To view the vehicles status boards click Reports => Vehicle Status.


Click on one of the available reports.  In this example we will click Vehicle Status Board.


Tha board offers a colorful visual display of the status of your vehicles. The list of vehicles can be filtered and the display can be set to fullscreen.  

To filter and/or adjust the board, at the top right screen there are several tool buttons.

  • Limit View By Unit - Filter the results to specific units.
  • Toggle Header - Show/hide the navigation bar from the screen.
  • Toggle Full Screen - Maximum the window. Click Escape [esc] key top return to normal view.
  • Toggle Large / Small Boxes - Changes the size of the vehicle cards.
    • Large - Full detail, can see approximately 30 vehicles without having to scroll.
    • Small - Less detail, can see approximately 75 vehicles without having to scroll.


Each vehicle has its own setting to allow it to appear on the vehicle status boards.  This setting is per vehicle and it must be active in order for a vehicle to appear on the status boards.  Your agency administrators can assist with this setting.  



Update Vehicle Status from the Board

You may update a vehicle's status directly from a status board.

To update a vehicle's status:

    • Left click a vehicle
    • A modal opens to update the vehicles status.
    • Select a status
    • Select a sub-status (optional).
    • The date and time can be modified if necessary.
    • Future Status - If your agency use the Future Status option, this field will be available.
      • You must have the proper permission [Future Status] to schedule a future status update.
      • Example: to place a vehicle out of service at a time you will not be in the office.
    • Enter a narrative (optional).
    • Click Update Status to complete the process.

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