Reviewing Training Requests (Workflow)

The Training Request review process, also called workflow, is how we process requests for training submitted by our employees.

When an employee creates a request they select the person they are submitting the request to for review. That employee receives an email advising them there is a request for them to review.


As a reviewer, login to PSTracker.  From the dashboard click on the active request awaiting your review.


You are taken to the Training Request Workflow screen.


Your next step is to review and make a recommendation on this request.

Optionally you can also add a note or file. 

When you have reviewed this request and ready to make a recommendation, click the Process Request button.


    • Select your recommendation
    • Enter a comment (optional)
    • Toggle advise employee of your review (optional)
    • Select the person you are routing this request to for further review.
    • Untoggle Send email to Forwardee advising them of this request (optional)
    • Click Process Request.


Your review is complete and the request has been forwarded to the next person in workflow.

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