Training Module Overview
Below is a graphical representation of the flow of the training tracking module.
Training Module
The Training Module was developed to document and track training for all agency employees.
The module provides self service to employees to request training, see their mandate and certification status, and view their entire historical training record.
The module is comprised of several components:
- Training Courses (Optional)
A "parent" document. Agencies can create courses with a default set of variables. Courses can be used to easily create and pre-populate training event variables. - Training Events
Training Events are the actual classes employees attend. Employees can electronically acknowledge receipt of training, upload and track certifications, and mark open ended events as complete. Both agency and employee expenses can be documented. Employee expenses can be tracked and marked with the date paid. - Training Ladders
Training Ladders provide guidance on training progression recommended for different roles within the agency. - Training Requests
Employees can submit requests for training. Requests are routed through the agency for approval. Training Requests can be easily turned into Training Events. - Mandates & Scenario Hours
Track the status of employees mandate and scenario hours.
- Training Courses (Optional)
Employee Self Service
The training module provides employees a full view of their own training.
Each employee has their own training dashboard available from View => My Training
There are navigational tabs for Events, Certifications, Expenses, Mandates, Scenario Based Hours, ILETSB Style Mandates, My Units Training Ladders, My Training Requests, and My Info.