Managing Range Policies

Many agencies require officers to acknowledge policy when qualifying on the range.  The Policy Acknowledgement feature is designed to automate that requirement as part of the range qualification process. 

    • The recommended format for your agency policy is an Adobe .pdf.
    • Acknowledging Policy is an optional feature for the range module.
    • The need to acknowledge policy is set at the course level, but can be modified for each specific range entry if needed.
    • Policies are managed in this process but selected on the manage course and manage range entry pages.

To manage your policies, click the Policy button on the range mobile sub-menu.


This brings you to the Manage Range Policy page with a list of your agency's policies that can be selected for course and range entry's.


View A Policy

To view an existing policy, click the URL / File Name.


Depending on the format of the document (pdf or .docx) the policy will either open in a new window or download to your device.


Alternatively you can click the Edit button to see the details of this policy


Add Policy

To add a new policy click Add Policy from Range Module sub-menu 


You are taken to the add policy page where we provide detailed instructions on how to add a new policy.

Due to the differences in how browsers and systems display/download attachments, we highly recommend using .pdf's for this module.

You have three options when adding a new range policy item:

    • Uploading a .pdf or .docx file (the default and preferred method is .pdf)
    • Enter your own textual content without uploading a file (1) or hyperlinking to an external file (3)
    • Hyperlink to a policy or file outside of PSTracker

If you will be uploading a .pdf or .docx file, click the Choose File button to add the file, - OR - if you will be entering your own textual content or hyperlinking to a policy or file outside of PSTracker just click NEXT.

You are taken to a new page where you fill out the required information.


Click Create Policy to complete the process.  Your new policy is now available for use in range courses and range entries.

Edit Policy

Click the Edit button for the policy you wish to edit.


You are taken to the Edit Range Policy page.


For convenience, at the bottom of the edit policy page, we display the list of courses that currently use this policy. 

Make your changes and click Edit Policy to complete the process.

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