Manage Range Courses

Course Overview / Concept

Courses are the parent category that you select as the basis for your range entry.  Courses can be detailed including specific instructions to follow, or very simple such as Training.  Most agencies create courses in PSTracker to match their existing courses of fire.

To manage courses, select Manage => Range


This brings you to the range dashboard. Use the range sub-menu to select Courses


This brings you to the manage courses page.


The manage course page lists your agency's courses of fire.

View or Manage a Course

Click on the view button to view a course which brings you to the Course Details page. 

The upper half of the page displays the content for this course.


The lower half of this page displays the range historical entries based upon this course, course files, and a course log.


Course Management Buttons

There are several buttons at the top of the course page.


Add Range Entry

Clicking Add Range Entry launches a new range entry based upon this course.  It works the same as clicking the Add Range Entry from the range sub menu


Edit Course

Clicking Edit Course brings you to the Edit Course page where you can modify the variables for this specific course.


The top half of the edit page contains the major variables for this course such as name, description, term, ammo quantity, and requirements.


The lower half contains several variables and several toggle options. 

Allow vs. Show All:

  1. Allow activates the proper button at the top of the range entry, Firearms, Employee Owned (EMP) Firearms, or Tasers. 
    • The result set lists of Firearms, EMP firearms, or Tasers, will be based upon the specific employee selected for the range entry.
  2. Show All changes the resulting Firearm, EMP firearms, or Taser select list from ONLY firearms associated with the employee, to ALL firearms in the specific PStracker Firearm, EMP firearms, or Taser modules. 

Select the toggles that best fit this course of fire, BUT DON'T WORRY, each range entry has its OWN set of identical toggles allowing you to modify each range entry on the fly.

Firearms OR Tasers

  • You may select EITHER Firearms OR Tasers for this course, NOT both.

Duplicate Course

Clicking Duplicate Course brings you to the duplicate course screen pre-populated with the variables of this course.


The duplicate course button is an easy way to create new (duplicate) courses without having to start from scratch.

Add a Course

Use the Add Course button on the range sub-menu to add a new course.


Clicking Add course brings you to the Add Course screen where you fill out the details for thjis new course of fire.


When ready, click Create New Range Course.  This course will now be available to your range officers to use as the basis for a new range entry.


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