Manage Range Module Variables


There are seven variables you can manage in the range module.  Type, Carry, Use, Results, Rankings, and Settings.

To learn about managing Range Policy, see our article on Managing Range Policy.


These are the possible range entry types. We have preloaded several for you including:

    • Annual
    • Active
    • Less Lethal
    • Off Duty
    • Quarterly
    • Semi-Annual
    • Training


These are the possible methods of carry.  We have preloaded several for you including:

    • Ankle
    • Concealed
    • Cross-Draw
    • Hip


These are the possible weapon uses. We have preloaded several for you including:

    • Duty
    • Investigations
    • Task-Force


These are the possible entry results. We have preloaded several for you including:

    • Pass
    • Fail


If your agency uses the Ranking feature, these are the possible rankings for your employees based upon their range entry. We have preloaded several for you including:

    • Expert
    • Marksman
    • Sharpshooter


The settings tab allows you to select which columns are visible by default on the manage range course and manage range entry page lists.

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