Example Firearm Range Entry

This help desk article will walk through a standard firearm range qualification where we:

    • Launch the range module.
    • Select the employee(s) course of fire, and range officer(s).
    • Select the range entry.
    • Arrive on the view range entry page.
    • Have the employee acknowledging a standard .pdf Use of Force policy.
    • Select the employees agency owned duty weapon.
    • Attempt the qualification.
    • Enter the results & score from qualification attempt.
    • Enter a ranking for the employee.
    • Update the date and time the Qualification actually took place.
    • Upload a photo of the target.
    • Issue the employee 50 rounds of replacement duty ammunition.
    • Upload a file (optional).
    • Complete the entry.

Launch Range Module

From the main navigation bar select NEW => New Range Entry.


Or if you have added any of the range quick select buttons, follow one of your quick selects.


Select employee(s) course of fire, & range officer(s)


    • The date is defaulted to today's date.
    • Select one or more employees.  Each employee selected will get their own unique active range entry. 
    • Select the course of fire.
    • Select one or more range officers.
    • Click the Begin New Range Entry button.

Select the Range Entry

You are taken to the active range entry page.


    • Click the entry you wish to work with. (Jump down to View Range Entry)
    • OR alternatively, if this course of fire has a policy acknowledgement requirement and the officer qualifying is with you at this point, you may click the orange Acknowledge Policy button to allow the officer to acknowledge policy.

    • Once the policy is acknowledged, you will return to the active range entry page where you can select the range entry you wish to work with.

    • Click on the entry you wish to work with.

View Range Entry

After clicking the range entry you wish to work with, you will be taken to the view range entry page where you manage this range entry until it is complete.

Acknowledge Policy

If this course of fire has a policy acknowledgement requirement, and the officer has not already acknowledged policy, the Acknowledge Policy button will be visible at the top right of the entry. 


    • If the officer qualifying is with you at this point, you may click the orange Acknowledge Policy button to allow the officer to acknowledge policy.

    • Once the policy is acknowledged, you will return to the active range entry page where you can select the range entry you wish to work with to bring you back to the view range entry page.

    • Click on the entry you wish to work with.

    • You are returned to the view range entry page where you continue to manage this range entry until it is complete.

Select Weapon

Next we select a weapon.  In this example we will be selecting an agency owned duty weapon assigned to this officer.

    • Click the Firearm button

    • Select the officers duty Firearm
    • Select the Use
    • Select the Method of Carry

    • Click Update Firearm
    • You will be taken back to the view range entry page where you will see the firearm has been added to this entry

Attempt Qualification

You are ready to qualify the officer.

  • Qualify your officer on the range.
  • After qualification, return to the view range entry page to enter the results and complete the entry.

Enter Results

Click the Results button and enter the results.



Enter Ranking

Click the Special button and enter your ranking, and if necessary, training needed information.



Update Qualified Date & Time

When a range entry is created, it is assumed that the qualification occurred on the same date the entry was created. If the actual qualification took place on a different date than the entry was created, the range officer/master can use the Update Qualified Date to set the actual date and time the qualification took place.

Click the Update Qualified Date button.

A modal opens allowing you to update the actual date and time the qualification took place.

Click Update Qualification Date to set the actual qualfication date and time.

Upload Photo

Scroll down to the photo area.


    • Click anywhere in the No Photo Available area to begin the upload process.
    • You are shown a modal with no photo available. 
    • Click the Add Photo button.
    • You will be taken to a new modal.  Click the green / gray background up arrow to launch the system file select/take photo feature.

    • Select or take your photo. 
    • If you are using an iPad, you need to turn the camera landscape, otherwise the photo may inadvertently rotate upon upload.
    • When you have the photo uploaded, click the green crop button at the top right of the image to lock it in.
    • Click Add Photo.

    • The image will upload and your image will be added to the entry.

Issue Replacement Ammo

If your agency uses the ammunition module and you want to document issuance of replacement duty ammunition...

  • Scroll down in the range entry, click the Ammunition tab, then click the Issue Ammunition button.

  • A new model launches. Fill out the modal and click the Issue Ammunition button

  • If you issue ammunition during the range entry, PSTracker will automatically update the ammunition module documenting this issuance of ammunition.

Upload File(s):

You may upload one or more files to this range entry if necessary.

    • From the Files tab, click Add File to Range Entry button.

    • Select the file, give it a proper name, anc click the Add File button.

    • The screen will refresh and you will see the new file at the bottom of the page.

Complete the entry:

We are done with this qualification.

Click the Complete button to complete (finalize) this range entry.


Thats it, you have completed a range entry.

The entry will now be visible from the Historical Range entry page or one of the range reports.



If you need to update the firearm, result, or specials (ranking & training needed), click the appropriate button, enter the new information and click Update.


If at any point you need to edit the entry itself, you can click the edit button, make your changes and return to this entry.

  • Click the Edit button


  • Make your changes and click Edit Entry.


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