Group Permission / Role Descriptions

Permission / Role Description
Administrators No Longer Used
AED Manager Manage/Edit AED's
Ammo Issue Issue Ammunition
Ammo Manager Manage/Edit Ammunition
Asset Manager Manage/Edit Agency Assets (may be renamed)
Assignout Manager No Longer User
Audit Manager Allowed to conduct Audits
Automated Emails Allowed to access/manage My Automated Emails
Building Manager Manage/Edit Agency Buildings
Bulk Maintenance Link Visible - Allowed to add Bulk Maintenance entries
Camera Manager Manage/Edit Cameras
Camera Audit Create Can Create Camera Audits
Camera Audit Manager Manage the Camera Audit Module
Camera Audit Search Can Search Camera Audits
Check Reassign Allowed to re-assign a vehicle inspection to a different user
Checkout Employee This Employee can check out equipment - unless agency restricts to Manages Only
Checkout Manager Allowed to check in/out assets in check-out module
Commander No Longer Used
Computer Manager Manage/Edit Computers
Create Events Allowed to create Events
Edit Events Allowed to Edit Administrative Events
Email Users No Longer Used
Employee Default Permission
Employee File Upload Employees can upload files to the Employee Files Module
Employee File View Employees can view their files within the Employee Files Module
Employee Log Emails Can receive notification emails from the Employee Log Module
Employee Log Manager Manages the Employee Log Module
Equipment Manager Manage/Edit Equipment [Equipment Module]
Events View Can View/Search Events
Field Training Manager No Longer User
File Upload Allowed to upload and manage files for modules.
Fire No Longer User
Firearm Manager Firearm Manager – Manage/Edit Firearms (Police)
Future Status Allowed to schedule future Vehicle Status Changes
IT No Longer User
Jail Manager Manage/Edit Jails
Kiosk Can access and use the Kiosk style Work Order Form
MVR Audit Manager Can access and use the MVR Audit Module
Patrol Default Permission
Performance Manager Manages the Performance/Activity
Performance Reset Can reset Performance/Activity entries
Quartermaster Manager Manage/Edit Quartermaster Module
Range Manager Manage/Edit Range & Range Activity
Range Officer Manage Edit Range & Range Activity
Recurring-Maintenance Allowed to set recurring maintenance
Reports Makes Reports Menu Visible
Reports-AED Can view AED Reports
Reports-Ammo Can view Ammo Reports
Reports-Asset Can view Asset Reports
Reports-Building Can view Building Reports
Reports-Camera Can view Camera Reports
Reports-Camera-Audit Can view Camera Audit Reports
Reports-Checkout Can view Checkout Reports
Reports-Computer Can view Computer Reports
Reports-Employee Can view Employee Reports
Reports-Employee-Log Can view Employee Log Reports
Reports-Equipment Can view Equipment Reports
Reports-Firearm Can view Firearm Reports
Reports-General Can view General Reports
Reports-Jail Can view Jail Reports
Reports-Performance Can view Performance Reports
Reports-Quartermaster Can view Quartermaster Reports
Reports-Range Can view Range Reports
Reports-Tank Can view Tank Reports
Reports-Taser Can view Taser Reports
Reports-Training Can view Training Reports
Reports-Use Of Force Can view use of Force Administrative Reports
Reports-Vehicle Can view Vehicle Reports
Reports-VehicleStatus Can view Vehicle Status Reports
Reports-WorkOrder Can view Work Order Reports
See All AED Can see EVERY AED in multi-department agencies
Sergeant No Longer User
Supervisors Log No Longer User
Supervisors Log Emails No Longer User
Supervisors Log IA No Longer User
Tank Manager Manage/Edit Tanks (Fire)
Taser Manager Manage/Edit Tasers (Police)
Template Manager Manage/Edit System Templates
Training Expense Manager Can manage employee training expenses
Training Manager Manage/Edit Training
Training Request Create Can create Training Requests
Uniform Manager Can Access and create Uniform Inspections
Use of Force Approve Can Disposition Reports
Use of Force Create Can Create Reports (only needed if the agency restricts who can create use of force reports)
Use of Force Create Others Can Create Use of Force Reports
Use of Force Logs Can view Use of Force Logs
Use of Force Manage Can Manage the module (settings & full administrative access)
Use of Force Review Can Review Reports
Use Of Force Search Can search for and view Use of Force Reports
User Manager Can Manage Users
Vehicle Manager Manage/Edit Vehicles
View-Aed Can view the AED module
View-Ammo Can view the Ammo module
View-Asset Can view the Asset module
View-Building Can view the Building module
View-Camera Can view the Camera module
View-Computer Can view the Computer module
View-Equipment Can view the Equipment module
View-Firearm Can view the Firearm module
View-Jail Can view the Jail module
View-Quartermaster Can view the Quartermaster module
View-Range Can view the Range module
View-Tank Can view the Tank module
View-Taser Can view the Taser module
View-Training Can view the Training module
View-Vehicle Can view the Vehicle module
Visitor Log Access and Create Visitor Log Entries
Visitor Log Manager Manage the Module
Visitor Log Reports Access to view Reports
WO Manager Can manage All Work Orders
WO Manager-AEDs Can manage AED Work Orders
WO Manager-Assets Can manage Assets/Items Work Orders
WO Manager-Buildings Can manage Buildings Work Orders
WO Manager-Cameras Can manage Cameras Work Orders
WO Manager-Computers Can manage Computers Work Orders
WO Manager-Equipment Can manage Equipment Work Orders
WO Manager-Firearms Can manage Firearms Work Orders
WO Manager-Jails Can manage Jail/Holding Facility Work Orders
WO Manager-Tanks Can manage Tanks Work Orders
WO Manager-Tasers Can manage Tasers Work Orders
WO Manager-Uniforms Can manage Uniform Inspection Work Orders
WO Manager-Vehicles Can manage Vehicles Work Orders
WO View Can view All Work Orders
WO View-Aeds Can view Aed Work Orders
WO View-Assets Can view Assets/Items Work Orders
WO View-Buildings Can view Buildings Work Orders
WO View-Cameras Can view Cameras Work Orders
WO View-Computers Can view Computers Work Orders
WO View-Equipment Can view Equipment Work Orders
WO View-Firearms Can view Firearms Work Orders
WO View-Jails Can view Jail/Holding Facility Work Orders
WO View-Tanks Can view Tanks Work Orders
WO View-Tasers Can view Tasers Work Orders
WO View-Uniform Can view Uniforms Work Orders
WO View-Vehicles Can view Vehicles Work Orders
Workflow-Building Can See and Approve Building Inspections
Workflow-Jail Can See and Approve Jail Inspections
Workflow-Performance Can See and Approve Performance Submissions
Workflow-Uniform Can See and Approve Uniform Inspections
Workflow-Vehicle Can See and Approve Vehicle Inspections

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