Column Visibility

Column Visibility allows you to adjust what columns you see by default on the module listing pages. 

Each module default column visibility is managed separately

Management is done via the Visibility sub-menu button. 



We will use firearms as the example for our explanation of column visibility.

Here we see the Firearm management list page.


If we click on the Visibility button at the top of the list of firearms, we see there are additional columns that are not displayed by default.


We can use the Column Visibility setting to change these default displayed columns.

Edit Column Visibility

Click on a modules Visibility sub-menu button.


You see the current column visibility list


There is a visibility setting for both Users and Administrators, each can be different.

Click the Edit button for the column you wish to edit.


Make your adjustments and click Save Column.


To return to the list of Columns, click Return to Columns.



The lists of items is 'sticky", meaning PSTracker remembers the last settings you used.  If you use edit the default visibility, you may not see the changed until you log off and back on to PSTracker.

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