Re-routing Training Requests

A Training Request Must be within active workflow to be rerouted.

If a Training request needs to be re-routed for whatever reason, the Training Manger can do so.

Training Managers, and those with proper permission, will find the re-route button on the Training Request Details page.

From the main navigation click Manage => Training Requests.

Click the number of an active Training Request.

At the upper left of the Training Request Details Page Click Re-Route Request.

A modal opens up allowing you to select to whom the request should be routed next.

Optionally you may leave a comment.

If you wish to notify the employee of the re-route, toggle "Advise Employee of re-route"

Select the person to re-route this request to and click Re-Route Request.

If you wish the next approver to receive an email advising them they have a request to review, leave the "Advise New Approver via email" radio toggle set to active.

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