Managing & Adding Items (Stock)

The quartermaster module has the ability to manage stock in as much detail as you wish. While more detail than less is generally better, depending on your needs you are free to manage things as detailed or as generic as you need.

For example, while most agencies may detailed items:

  • Clothing (Category) => Pants (Sub-Category) => 5.11 Tactical (Make) => TacLite Pro Pants (Model)

Some agencies may prefer to keep things more generic using:

  • Clothing (Category) => Pants (Sub-Category) => Any (Make) => Any (Model)

To manage Quartermaster module navigate to Manage => Quartermaster

You will be taken to the Quartermaster dashboard where we provides some useful statistics and list all the items in your system.

View an Item (stock)

To view an item, click on the category column for that item.

The screen refreshes and you see the details for the item.

From the View mage you can do the following to the item.

  • Edit - Edit this item
  • Add Stock - Add stock to the items quantity.
  • Adjust Stock - Adjust the current quantity.
  • Order Stock - Order this item.
  • Issue Stock to Existing Issue - Add this item to an existing stock issue already in progress.

The lower half of the View page contains several tabs

  • Activity - Activity history for this item - Issued, Added, Adjusted.
  • Ordered - Ordering history fir this item
  • Files - You can attach files to this item, such as receipts or purchase orders.
  • Logs - System log for this item.

Add New Item (stock)

To add a new item to your system, using the sun menu, click Add Item.

You are shown the Add new Item form. Fill out the form and click Add New Item to Quartermaster.

Editing an Existing Item (stock)

To edit an existing item, click on the edit icon in the category column for that item.

Alternatively, if you are already viewing the item, click the Edit button at the upper eft of the screen.

You are taken to the edit page.

Make your edits and click Save.

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