Ordering Stock

If you want to track stock you order from vendors, the Stock Orders feature allows you to do so.

With the Stock Orders feature you can

  • Track orders placed with vendors.
  • Track quantity of stock received, including partial fulfillment.

To access the feature, from the quartermaster sub-menu, click Stock Orders

You are taken to your list of Stock Ordered.

On each line you will see several variables including:

  • Date Ordered
  • Category /Subcategory /Make /Model
  • Quantity Ordered
  • Quantity Received
  • Order Status (Open /Closed)
  • Other various variables

Add New Stock Order

From the quartermaster sub-menu, click the Order Quartermaster Stock button.

A modal will open allowing you to enter the order.

Fill out the form and click the Order button.

Updating Quantity Received

If you receive partial fulfillment of the order, you can track the partial order received.

From the list of ordered stock, click the Update Quantity Received button on the order you want to update.

A modal opens where you can enter the details on the partial order received.

  • Enter the quantity received.
  • Select if you want to move the received stock into quantity on hand (default is yes).
  • Select if you wish to mark the order as complete.
  • Enter any notes (optional).
  • Select a reason (optional).
  • If your agency uses custom order fields, you can fill them out.
  • Click Update Quantity Quartermaster Received.

Edit Existing Order

Click the Edit button at the far right of the line item.

Make your edits and click Save.

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