Manage Low Stock Warnings

PSTracker can send out low stock warnings when the quantity on-hand of a specific item (stock) falls below a pre-determined level.

The low stock threshold number is set on the edit page for the specific item (stock).

Responding to Low Stock Warnings

When a low stock warning is triggered, PSTracker logs and saves it on a Low Stock Warning Page. You can see and manage your low stock warnings by using the Warnings link on the quartermaster sub-navigation menu.

You are shown a list of your active warnings.

The warnings will remain visible until they are completed.

To clear (complete) an existing warning, click the warnings Complete button.

A modal opens to confirm you wish to close the warning.

Click Mark Warning Complete.

Viewing Historical (Completed) Low Stock Warnings

To view historical (completed) low stock warnings, form the low stock warning page, use the modifier field at the upper right corner of the list, select Complete, and click Modify.

Setting / Managing the Low Stock Threshold

Low Stock thresholds are set on the individual stocks edit page.

From the Quartermaster Dashboard, click the edit icon in the category column on an item (stock).

Locate the Low Stock Threshold field and enter the quantity into the field at which you want the low stock warning to trigger. The default is Zero.

Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save the setting.

Configuring Usage

The low stock warning notification is activated (turned on or off) on in the Agency Configs area of PSTracker.

Navigate to Your Name => Agency Configs => Quartermaster Tab

You will see the setting, Send Low Stock Warning.

The field can be toggled on or off.

If you make any changes, don't forget to click the Save Configuration button at the bottom of the page.

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