Custom Select Lists

PSTracker offers six optional select list fields in the Quartermaster system that agencies can use to track information specific to your agency.

If active, these fields appear on the Quartermaster dashboard / stock list, on the stock add form, and on the stock edit page.

Quartermaster Dash / Stock List
Add Stock Form
Edit Stock Form

The options in the select lists are set using the Quartermaster sub-nav. Click on the select list sub-nav tab you want to manage the options for.

This brings you to a page where you can add and manage the options within the select list.

You can add or edit options in the select list. If an option is no longer needed you can inactivate it.

Adding a new option

  1. Click Add Select

  2. Fill out the modal and click Create New Select

Editing an existing option

  1. Click the Edit button for the option you want to edit.

  2. Make your changes and click Save Select.

Configuring Usage

The custom select fields are activated (turned on or off) on in the Agency Configs area of PSTracker.

Navigate to Your Name => Agency Configs => Quartermaster Tab

You will see six optional select list fields.

Each Field can be toggled on or off and renamed.

If you make any changes, don't forget to click the Save Configuration button at the bottom of the page.

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