Managing Employee Log Settings

There are currently four settings that can be managed form the Settings page.

  • New Entry Instructions
  • Acknowledgement Wording
  • Checkbox Wording
  • Default Entry Status

All settings are managed by clicking Settings from the employee log sub menu.

Click Edit on the setting you with to modify.

Managing New Entry Instructions

The New Entry Instructions appear at the top of the New Employee entry page

  • Click Settings from the employee log sub menu.

  • Click Edit on the New Entry Instructions setting

  • Modify the setting and click Save Employee Log Setting.

Managing Default Entry Status

The Default Entry setting sets the default status of all new employee log entries.

  • Click Settings from the employee log sub menu.

  • Click Edit on the Default Entry setting

  • Modify the setting and click Save Employee Log Setting.

Agency Configs for Acknowledgement & Checkbox Wording

The next two settings are only applicable if your agency has turned on the following agency configs.

  • Allow Signature / Approval Requirement (for Managing Checkbox Wording)
  • Show Signature / Approval Instructions (for Managing Acknowledgement Wording)

Managing Acknowledgement Wording

This setting only applies if your agency uses the signature/acknowledgement process.

The Acknowledgement Wording appear above the signature pad on entries that require employee signature /acknowledgement.

  • Click Settings from the employee log sub menu.

  • Click Edit on the Acknowledgement Wording setting

  • Modify the setting and click Save Employee Log Setting.

Managing Checkbox Wording

This setting only applies if your agency uses the signature/acknowledgement process.

The Checkbox Wording appear next to the checkbox that employees must check to acknowledge the entry.

  • Click Settings from the employee log sub menu.

  • Click Edit on the Checkbox Wording setting

  • Modify the setting and click Save Employee Log Setting.

This setting is also dependent on the agency config setting

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