Managing Camera (BWC) Audit Natures

Natures are the types of calls your agency responds to.

Most agencies obtain this list from their Computer Aided Dispatch System (CAD).

Natures are uses system wide across multiple modules.

In this example we will use the BWC Audit Module to manage Natures.

Managing Natures Groups

Natures are managed using the Nature link on the modules sub-navigation menu.

You are shown a list of your Natures.

Creating a new Nature

Click Add Agency Nature on the sub-navigation menu.

In the modal that appears, enter a name for the new Nature

Click Add new Agency Nature.

Managing /Editing existing Agency Natures

From the list of Agency Natures, click the Edit button to the far right of that Natures row.

The screen refreshes showing you the edit Agency Nature Screen.

Make your edits and click Save Agency Nature.

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