Managing Camera (BWC) Recommendations / Action Taken

Recommendations / Action Taken is an optional feature - it is active by default.

The term Recommendations / Action Taken can be modified by an agency.

Managing Recommendations / Action Taken

Recommendations / Action Taken are managed using the Recommendations / Action Taken link on the modules sub-navigation menu.

You are shown a list of your Recommendations / Action Taken.

Creating a new Recommendations / Action

Click Add Recommendations / Action Taken on the sub-navigation menu.

In the modal that appears, enter a name for the new Recommendations / Action Taken.

Click Add new Recommendations / Action Taken.

Managing /Editing existing Recommendations / Action Taken

From the list of Recommendations / Action Taken, click the Edit button to the far right of that Recommendations / Action Taken row.

The screen refreshes showing you the edit Recommendations / Action Taken Screen.

Make your edits and click Save Recommendations / Action Taken.

Modifying the term - Managing Recommendations / Action Taken

If you wish to change the term Managing Recommendations / Action Taken to another term, you can do so form the modules management area.

Click your name => Admin Tools.

Click Agency Configs.

Select the BWC Audits Tab.

Modify the term using the Recommendation / Action Taken Field - Name input field.

Click Save Configurations to save your changes.

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