Managing Camera (BWC) Module Configurations

This article is for PSTracker System Administrators

If you wish to modify any of the configuration settings for the Camera Module, you can do so from the modules management area.

Click your name => Admin Tools.

Click Agency Configs.

Select the BWC Audits Tab.

Modify any of the settings.

Setting Definitions:

  • Uses BWC Audit Module - Does the agency use the BWC Audit Module - Custom name for the BWC Audit Module
  • Use Recommendation / Action Taken Field - Name - Does the agency use the Recommendation /Action Taken Field - Custom Name foe the feature.
  • Allow Audit BWCs - Does the agency allow auditing body worn cameras.
  • Allow Audit Vehicles - Does the agency allow auditing vehicle cameras.
  • Allow Form Questions - Does the agency use the audit form question feature.

If you modify a setting, be sure to click Save Configurations to save your changes.

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