Manage Equipment Audit Templates

Equipment Audit Templates are pre selected groups of Units and Types to make it easier to begin an Equipment Audit that is repeated over time.

When an employee begins an Equipment Audit, they have the option of selecting a template which pre-checks the Units and Types based upon the selected template.

Managing Equipment Audit Templates

To manage your Equipment Audit Templates click Audit Templates on the equipment sub-menu. 

Your are shown a list of your Equipment Audit Templates

The columns on the Equipment Audit Template List include:

  • Template - the name of the template
  • Manage Units and Equipment Types - the button to manage the templates units and types
  • Active - available for use
  • Edit - click to edit the template

Adding a New Equipment Audit Template

To add a new Reason:

  • Click Add Template on the Sub Menu.

  • A modal opens up allowing you to add the new Template.

  • Click Create New Template to complete the process.

Editing an existing Equipment Audit Template

To edit an existing Template:

  • Click the Edit button to the far right of that Template row

  • The screen refreshes showing you the edit Template Screen.

  • Make your edits and click Save Template.

Managing existing Equipment Audit Templates Units and Types

To edit an existing Template, click the Manage Units and Equipment Types button for the template.

The screen refreshes showing you the Units and Types check lists.

Check off the Units and Types you wand pre-selected when this template is used and click Save /Update Audit Template.

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