2 Factor Authentication

If your agency requires 2 Factor Authentication, you can enable it in the Agency Configs.

Agency Config Settings are only visible to agency administrators.

2 Factor Authentication is a system wide setting affecting ALL users.

Click Your Name => Admin Tools

In the first section of settings cards, select Agency Configs:

Click on the Agency Tab.

Use the Require 2FA Email Authorization Card to set the requirements.

use the toggle to turn the setting On of Off. if is OFF by default.

You can also set the amount of time (in minutes) the code will remain active. The default time is 10 minutes.

Click Save Configuration at the bottom of the page to save the settings.

How to use 2 Factor Authentication

When a user attempts to login and successfully authenticates using their credentials, they are redirected to a 2 Factor Code entry page.

PSTracker emails the user (at their system email address) a 6 digit code.

The user enters the code into the field and clicks Submit Code.

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