Adding Training Certificates to Completed Events

Employees can upload their own certificates if you allow them. The setting to allow employees to upload their own certificates is available from the Agency Configs Page: Your Name => Agency Configs => Training, then the setting is: Allow employees to upload their own certificates.

You can upload your employees training certificates to completed events. This is done using the Certificates Tab.

Certificates Tab

The certificates tab was developed to upload and store employee training certificates from this specific training event.  Certificates may be uploaded by employees and/or the agency's training manager.  Employees can view their training events and (if your agency allows) upload certificates to their events via their My Training dashboard. 

To upload a certificate:

  • As the Training Manager, click Manage Training Events.
  • Locate the event you want to upload certificates to.
  • View the Event.
  • Scroll down to the tabbed section near the bottom of the event.
  • Click the Certificates Tab.
  • Click the Add Certificate to Training Event button.


  • This launches the Add Certificate to Training Event Modal.


  • Select the Attendee the certificate is being uploaded for.
  • Select the file.
  • Name the certificate.
  • If necessary, you may add the certificates expiration date.
  • If necessary you may toggle Send Certificate Expiration Notice, which will send the employee a notice when their certificate is nearing expiration.
  • Click Add Certificate to complete the process.

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