Visitor Log

The Visitor Log module was developed to provide a tool to track who and where persons visited the agency's facilities.

Each visitor to your agency is logged with their Name, ID, Company (optional), Date In and Date Out.

The Visitor Log module may have been renamed by your agency. Additionally the module has 4 agency customizable fields which your agency may or may not use.

If you work with the visitor log on a daily basis, we recommend adding a quick select for the module. See our support article on managing your quick selects below.

To view or use the Visitor Log Module, navigate to VIEW => Visitor Log.

This brings you to the main Visitor Log page.

To sign in a visitor, enter the visitors information into the form and click Sign Visitor In.

To sign a visitor out, use the Last 50 Visitor list at the bottom of the page and click the Sign Visitor Out button for the specific visitor.

Using the Visitor Log Module

There are 3 areas on the Visitor Log page.

  • Select Prior Visitor
  • Visitor Log Entry Form
  • Last 50 Visitors - Sign Visitor Out

Select Prior Visitor

You can search and select a prior visitor to pre-populate the Entry information with the information they provided on their last visit.

Prior visitors are displayed in the select list by the following information:

  • Last Name,
  • First Name
  • ID Type
  • ID #
  • Company
  • Location Visited.

Select one of the prior visitors and click Pre-Populate Visitor Log Form.

The form is populated with the last visits information which you can them modify as necessary.

Visitor Log Entry Form

This is where you enter (and or modify) the Visitors Details.

The ID Type, ID #, Location Visiting, and Company are select fields, however if the variable you need is NOT in the select list, you can enter the proper information and click the TAB key. When you click Sign Visitor In, the system will add the new information and make the new information available in the select lists for future use.

When you have finished entering in the visitors information, click Sign Visitor In to complete the process.

Last 50 Visitors - Sign Visitor Out

We display the details on the last 50 visitors to your agency.

Within this area you can Sign a Visitor Out and (if you have the proper permissions) and Edit the entry.

Once a visitor has been signed out, ONLY the Visitor Log Manager can edit an entry.

Edit an Entry

To Edit a visitor details, click Edit for that visitor.

This brings you to the edit page where you make your edits and click Edit Entry.

Click Return to Visitor Log to return to the main Visitor Log page.

To delete and entry (if you have the proper permissions) click Delete Visitor Log Entry.

A modal opens asking you to confirm the deletion.

Select Yes and click Delete Visitor Log Entry.

Sign Visitor Out

To sign out a visitor, click Sign Visitor Out for the specific visitor.

A modal opens allowing you to modify the date and time if necessary.

Click Sign Visitor Out to complete the process.

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