Visitor Log Settings / Management

The Visitor Log module was designed to be simple and only has a couple settings.


To activate the Visitor Log, navigate to Your Name => Admin Tools => Agency Configs.

Next click the Visitor Log tab.

You can activate or deactivate the module.

You can activate and name any of the 4 available custom fields.

Visitor Log Sub-Menu

At the top right of the management page is the Visitor Log sub-menu.

  • Visitor Log - Takes you to the Visitor Log.
  • Companies - Manage the select list of possible companies.
  • ID Types - Manage the select list of types of identification provided.
  • Location - Manage the select list of possible locations visited.

Visitor Log Role Permissions

There are 4 new role permissions available for the module

  • Visitor Log - General permission allowing searching and addition of visitor log entries.
  • Visitor Log Manager - Manage module and settings.
  • Visitor Log Reports - Access to view visitor log reports

You can add these to existing roles or create a new role. Please remember to "Align" a role after you modify its permissions so the employee receive the updated permissions.

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