Use of Force Overview

The Use of Force Module was developed to document, track and analyze employee use of force.

The term "Use of Force" can be modified if the agency wishes.

The Flow

  1. Employees create Use of Force Reports which they forward through the chain of command using the modules built in workflow.
  2. Supervisor(s) review the Use of Force and forward it up the chain.
    1. Supervisors can request changes.
    2. Workflow can be re-routed by a use of force manager.
  3. The agency's designated person completes the report entering a Dispositions and Recommendation. 

Main Pages

There are six main pages within the module.

  • New Use of Force: NEW => Use of Force
  • Search Use of Force: View => Search Use of Force
  • View Use of Force - accessible only when clicking view from another page
  • Use of Force Dashboard (Analytics): MANAGE => Use of Force
  • Manage Use of Force: MANAGE => Use of Force
  • Reports: REPORTS => Use of Force

Permissions (Roles)

Every process in the Use of Force requires a specific Permission. The ONLY exception to this is of your agency Allows ALL employees to create Use of Force Reports.

There are seven role permissions.

  • Use Of Force Create: Can create Use of Force Reports (can be overridden by Agency Config: Allow All to Create Use of Force Reports.)
  • Use Of Force Create Others: Can create Use of Force Reports for others
  • Use Of Force Search: Can Search for Use of Force Reports
  • Use Of Force Review: Can Review Reports
  • Use Of Force Approve: Can Disposition Reports
  • Use Of Force Manage: Can Manage the module (settings & full administrative access)
  • Use of Force Logs: Can view Use of Force Logs

There is no hierarchy within the Use of Force Module. If you have the proper permission to Search Use of Force Reports, you will be able to see ALL use of Force Reports.


The module can be configured to the agency's specifications. The default values are shown below:

  • Module Name: Use of Force
  • Use of Force Report Term: Report
  • Case Number Field Name: Case Number
  • Anyone can create entries: Off
  • Show New Use of Force Instructions: Empty and Off
  • Use/Show My Use of Force: On
  • Allow Damaged Property: On
  • Allow Files: On
  • Allow Narrative: On
  • Allow Training Entries: On

Employee Self Service

Employees can view their own Use of Force History.


The module has several reports available.

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