Use of Force Workflow - How to Review

Use of Force Reports are forwarded to one or more supervisor for review using Workflow.

As a Reviewer, your responsibly is to review the Use of Force Report and to forward the report onto the next person for further review or disposition.

When a report is in Workflow, we display a notice at the top of the report.

When a Use of Force Report requires your review and you are next in workflow, you will receive an email advising you there is a report ready for your review.

Login to PSTracker.

From the dashboard, click on the Use of Force Report requiring your review.

The screen will refresh displaying the Use of Force Report requiring your review.

As a Reviewer, your responsibly is to review the Use of Force Report and to forward the report onto the next person for further review or disposition.

For your reference, the Workflow section now displays any historical workflow.

After you have reviewed the report, scroll to the bottom.

In the Process Workflow as Reviewed Section,

  1. Select an employee to forward this report to for further review or disposition.
  2. Optionally enter a comment.
  3. Click Process Use of Force Report Workflow as Reviewed.

The report is is forwarded to the next person who is also notified via email they have a report to review.

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