Use of Force Workflow - How to Disposition

As the final reviewer in workflow, your responsibly is to enter a disposition and recommendation for the Use of Force Report.

To be able to Disposition Use of Force Reports, you must have the Use of Force Approve group permissions.

When a report is in Workflow, we display a notice at the top of the report.

In most cases you will receive email notification that a Use of Force Report requires your review.

Login to PSTracker.

From the dashboard, click on the Use of Force Report needing your review or disposition.

This takes you to the report requiring Review or Disposition.

If you have the Approve Permission, you also have the ability to Review:

We know there may be a time where the person who normally dispositions a report may change and that person may need to review and forward the report to a different person for Disposition. Because of this, if you have the Use of Force Approve permission, you will also still see the Process Workflow as Reviewed section.

The screenshot below shows the Workflow, Process, and Approve sections that are visible to persons with Use of Force Approve permission. Also visible in the screenshot is are Logs which are only visible if you have Use of Force Logs permission.

When you have reviewed the report and are ready to approve it, scroll down to the Approve Report Section.

  1. Select a Disposition
  2. Select a Recommendation
  3. If your agency allows comments, a comments section will be available.
  4. Optionally toggle off Send Employee Disposition Notification (it is ON by default)
  5. Optionally select additional employees to email Disposition Notice to
  6. Click Approve Use of Force Report

Emails will go out as selected.

The Use of Force Report is now considered Approved and complete.

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