Creating a New Use of Force Report

If your agency restricts who can create Use of Force Reports, you must have the Use of Force Create permissions to create Use of Force Reports. Default is anyone can create Reports

The Term Use of Force, which we use in this example, may have been modified by your agency to another term, such as Response to Resistance.

To create a Use of Force Report, form the main navigation click New => Use of Force.

Next, select a Main Nature (Required), Secondary Nature(s) (Optional), Date (Required), Time (Required), Case Number (Optional) and Day of Week (Required).

If you have the permission to create Use of Force Reports for Others (Use of Force Create Others ) as shown below, you will see a select list allowing you to select which employee this use of force applies to.

If this is a training entry, toggle "this is a training entry" so the data contained in the report is NOT reflected in the Agency's analytics. Training entries can also be deleted if necessary.

Click Begin Report.

The screen refreshes and you are shown the Use of Force Report.

The form is made up of multiple sections. The first four sections you EDIT. Each section is edited independently from the other. The remaining sections you ADD if the section applies to your Use of Force Report. Once you ADD, you can add additional or Edit the existing.

If at any point in the creation process you need to step away from the report, you can click the Exit button at the lower right of the Report.

This will close the report, which will then be available for you to re-launch from your dashboard.

We will now walk you through each section of the Use of Force Report.


The incident section contains the variables you selected when creating the Use of Force Report. This section is editable but the majority of employees will not need to edit this section. If you need to edit this section, a modal will open allowing you to make the edits.

Click Edit Incident Details to complete your edits.


Edit the Employee Details section filling out the variables as required by your agency and policy.

Several of the fields are multi-select fields. Click Edit Employee Details to complete your edits.


Fill out the incident location details and click Edit Incident Details to complete your edits.


Each of the fields on the Edit Incident Conditions modal is a multi-select. Fill out the incident location details by selecting all that applies and click Edit Incident Conditions to complete your edits.

Other Employees

If other employees were involved, you add them in this section.

Once added the additional employees will be displayed on the form.

If necessary you can edit or delete other Employees. To edit, click the edit button.

Make your changes and click Edit other Employee to complete your edits.


Subjects is where you add offenders, victims, witnesses, or other.

Once added the subjects will be displayed on the form.

If necessary you can edit or delete subjects.

Adding Force Used on a Subject

You can add force use on each subject.

Click Add Use of Force on "Subjects Name" to begin the process.

  1. Select the body part(s) force was used on.
  2. Select the force used (multi select).
  3. Sekect Effective or Ineffective
  4. Optionally enter a narrative
  5. If this was a show of force, optionally select Yes to No Contact - Show of Force Only.
  6. Click Add Use of Force on "Subject Name" to complete the entry.

The screen refreshes and a list of force used appears below the subject.

Continue adding use of force entries as necessary.

When more than 1 use of force is added to a subject, a Sort Use of Force button appears at the upper right of the list of force used that allows you to sort the order force was used if necessary.

When sorting, drag the force used to the appropriate location. When satisfied, click Save Use of Force Order to complete the sort.

Video Captured On

if video of the incident was captured, you can add it in the Video Captured On section.

Once added the video captured will be displayed on the form.

As with prior sections, you can edit or delete if necessary.

Damaged Property

Add any property damage in the incident

Once added the video captured will be displayed on the form.

As with prior sections, you can edit or delete if necessary.


Add files as necessary.

Once added the files will be displayed on the form.

You can click a file name to download a view.

Files can be renamed or deleted if necessary.


If your agency requires a narrative, you can enter one by clicking Add Narrative.

Click Add Narrative to complete the process.

As with prior sections, the narrative can be edited if necessary.

At this point we have completed the Use of Force Report.

The next step is to submit the Use of Force Report for approval. We do that using Workflow.


When you are ready to submit the Use of Force Report for approval, using the Workflow section, select the person you are sending this report to. This is generally your immediate supervisor.

When you have that person selected, click Submit Use of Force Report.

The Use of Force report is now in workflow and after the necessary review(s), will be approved by a supervisor who will also enter a Disposition and Recommendation.

When the Use of Force report receives a disposition, you will be notified by email.

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