Responding to Change Requests

If a reviewer requests a change you will normally receive an email advising you of the change requested.

To manage the request, from your Dashboard, locate and click on the Use of Force Report.

This launches the Use of Report Management Page where you can edit your report.

If a change has been requested, ALL reviews will have been deleted from the report so you MUST re-submit the report back through the entire chain of command. (Or what your agency policy requires).

At the top of the report you will see the change requested.


Once you re-submit this report, the change requested note will be deleted from the system, we do NOT keep a record of the changes requested.

Make the changes requested, scroll to the bottom of the report to the Workflow Section.

Select a employee to forward the report to and click Submit Use of Force Report.

You have finished making the requested changes and the report is now in workflow.

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