Assigning Emails to Sections

Employees can select which emails they want to receive from the system. If you want or need to manage the emails your employees receive, there are three ways to do this.

  • Manage Sections (Easiest if your currently managing sections)
  • Inspection Section & Vehicle Work Order Emails
  • Manage Employee Automated Emails (Allows you to manage ALL emails sent to the employee)

Links to each of these pages are located in the Admin Tools area.

Manage Sections

Click Add Employee to Section Email - This process is easiest to use while you are managing the sections.

  • Select the Employee
  • Select the Section

  • Click Add Employee to Section Emails.

The page will refresh and you will see the employee is now listed in the column Emails Are Sent To for the section you selected.

Inspection Section & Vehicle Work Order Emails -

This page is dedicated exclusively to see who is assigned to what section and to add or remove employee(s) from receiving emails from the sections.

Click Add Employee to Email

  • Select the Employee
  • Select the Section

  • Click Add Employee to Email.

The page will refresh and you will see the section you added the employee to now has that employee listed as one of the recipients in the Email column..

Manage Employee Automated Emails

this page allows you to manage ALL emails received by the employee and is the easiest to use.

Select the employee you want to manage

The screen refreshes showing you a checkbox list of emails that can be assigned to the employee.

Check the boxes for the emails you want to assign to them and click Update Employees Automated Emails.

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